The New York Times, June 27, 2010
It appears that the Democrats may not have enough votes to overturn the Republican Filibuster threatened on Bill 846, The Laws of Gravity.
At the hearing today, Senator Windbag rose to his feet, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is important legislation that I propose today." The Democrat from New York said. "Imagine the state of the universe if we don't extend The Law of Gravity."
"I do protest, Sir. My dear friend is trying to drop this legislation in our lap." Responded Senator Cracker of South Carolina. "With such legislation, how is the South to rise again?"
Outside of the Capitol Building, Tea Party Protesters, led by Representative Shitforbrains of Minnesota and ex-Governor Pileon of Alaska could be heard as they floated by the majestic building.
The Laws of Gravity, passed by The Congress in 1848 are due to expire in 2012. Republicans led by Senator Cracker are threatening a filibuster, claiming that that Gravity has proven to be too costly.
Senator Altacocker of Arizona added, "By not extending this legislation, we could easily solve our immigration problem."
President Aretheyforreal stated, "It's time for us to keep two feet on the ground. Because it is unclear how much longer we will be able to do so."
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