Saturday, June 25, 2011

This Bush was a Tush


I’m taking you all
On a trip back in time
We’ll start our adventure
In one after 1999

We had an election
The differences clear
Vote for a record that’s known
Or one who was platform was fear

That night in November
It went forth and back
I was sure the results
Wouldn’t bring us this hack

Florida's Votes barely Counted

The Election was fixed
The Supreme Court Decided
That the real vote be nixed!

I read the opinion
The Vote was five to four
I kept asking myself
How did Bush beat Al Gore!

He led us to war
On a barrel of lies
Oh how I long for the President
Who wouldn’t rename French Fries!

So All we have done
There was much to correct
In Two Thousand and Eight!

The Surplus is Gone

It went in a Woosh
We should have realized in
Two Thousand
This Bush was a Tush!

What happened was this
Many lost their sanity
What other excuse could one have
For listening to Limbaugh, Coulter and Hannity!

So now we have a new round of debates
Which have got us quite bored
But please not another President
Who thinks that he’s the choice of the Lord!

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